




*   Quality Control Checks for Nominated Testers:  
A guided process for performing and recording Quality Control Checks for Nominated Testers

*   Equipment Calibration Records and Reminders:
Record equipment calibration details and receive email reminders
for calibration expiry dates

*   In-House Inspection Reports:
A guided process for producing In-House Quality Control Checks for the MOT Business and Staff

*   CPD / Training Details for Nominated Testers:
Nominated Testers can record and view CPD/Training details

*   Personal Records for Nominated Testers:
Nominated Testers can view their personal Quality Control records (including Quality Control assessments)

*   Separate Logins:
Separate Logins allow Vehicle Test Stations and Nominated Testers to maintain and view their own business or personal Quality Control records

*   View and Print Records at any time:
Records can be viewed or printed at any time along with the option to print blank forms for performing checks away from the computer

Don't Get caught out with INCOMPLETE  Quality Control & Training Records Annual Subscription for only £50 + vat

The Tech-Club MOT QC system enables Vehicle Test Stations to easily perform and record Quality Control processes that are specifically designed to support DVSA requirements

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Included in The QUALITY CONTROL System:

© Copyright Tech-Club Ltd 2017

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